postponed - Country Club of Waterbury One Day Tournament
The CSGA is the only authorized golf association licensed by the USGA® to utilize the USGA Handicap System™ through their member clubs in Connecticut. The CSGA uses GHIN as its handicap computation service which is the most widely accepted in the world and is offered to clubs and golfers exclusively through State or Regional Golf Associations. Your GHIN handicap gives you access to eGolfer with myGame allowing you to post scores, view your handicap index and score histories, as well as track statistics related to your game.
Founded in 1899, the CSGA is the country’s oldest state golf association and, as an Allied Golf Association of the USGA, provides stewardship for amateur golf in Connecticut. In addition to administering handicaps for over 40,000 members at 181 member clubs, the CSGA conducts more than 85 days of competition throughout the year for golfers of all ages, genders, and skill levels. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, the CSGA supports a variety of golf organizations within Connecticut, including the Connecticut Association of Golf Course Superintendents.
The Connecticut State Golf Association (CSGA) functions as an extension of the USGA and provides stewardship for amateur golf in Connecticut. Founded in 1899, it is the country’s oldest state golf association and conducts over 60 Championships, Qualifiers and One-Day Tournaments throughout the year, in addition to administering handicaps for over 40,000 members and 181 member clubs. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, the CSGA supports a variety of golf organizations within Connecticut, including the Connecticut Women’s Golf Association, Southern New England Women’s Golf Association, The First Tee, the Connecticut PGA, and the CSGA Scholarship Fund in Honor of Widdy Neale.
The Executive Committee of the CSGA consists of a President, three Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer and special advisors. The State is divided into five regions. In each region there is a Regional Vice President and two at-large representatives. And, at every club, there is a Club Representative who functions as the CSGA liaison at the club level.
As allowed under Rule 5.6b, the CSGA has adopted the following pace of play policy to make contestants aware of their position on the golf course and to promote prompt pace of play. Players that understand and adhere to this policy will become aware of their groups position and be able to address the issue without intervention from an official.
The CSGA recommends that players report to the starter five minutes prior to their starting time to receive competition and course information. Per Rule 5.3a a player must start at (and not before) their starting time set by the Committee. Penalty for breach of this Rule is disqualification except as provided for by the three exceptions listed in Rule 5.3a.
Allotted time is the amount of time a group has to complete a measured number of holes. All CSGA scorecards will have the pace of play identified on them. The time to complete 18 holes will be approximately 4 hours & 24 minutes for threesomes, but will vary for each course and group size. The Official In Charge (OIC) for each event will be responsible for determining and communicating any need for change in the basic pace of play schedule. In match play events players will be allotted 12.5 minutes per hole.
– FIRST GROUP ONLY: If you are behind your allotted time at the completion of any hole.
– ALL OTHER GROUPS: Subsequent groups will not be considered “out of position” if any previous group has caused the field to fall behind their allotted time. Any subsequent groups must remain within 14 minutes of the group in front of them. This is measured by your having the flagstick in the hole within 14 minutes of the group in front of you.
All CSGA officials will be given a spreadsheet with every pairing group’s expected time of completion for each hole. In the event that an official notices a group out of position and more than five (5) minutes behind their allotted time par they will inform a roving rules official and/or the OIC of that group’s status. At this time the OIC will inform or instruct a roving rules official to inform the group of their position and that the group has two(2) holes to get back into position or be inside their allotted time par. If the group does not meet either of these criteria after two(2) holes, they will be put on the clock. Each player will be timed individually according to the standards outlined below. The group will remain on the clock until the group has either gotten back into position or is inside of their allotted time par.
When a group is “on the clock” a player in the group is expected to play any stroke within 40 seconds.
The timing of a player’s stroke will begin when he has had a reasonable opportunity to reach his ball, it is his turn to play and he can play without interference or distraction.
Except on the putting green, if a player has reached his ball, it is his turn to play and there are no distractions, timing will begin after he has reasonable time to select his club. Time spent walking backward or forward for determining yardages will count as part of the time taken for the next stroke.
On the putting green, timing will begin after a player has been allowed a reasonable amount of time to lift, clean and replace his ball, repair his ball mark and other ball marks on his line of putt and remove loose impediments on his line of putt. Time spent looking at the line from beyond the hole and/or behind the ball will count as part of the time taken for the next stroke.
NOTE: A player is permitted 40 seconds to play a stroke. An extra 10 seconds (for a total of 50 seconds) will be allowed for:
a) The first player to play a stroke on a par-3 hole.
b) The first player to play a second stroke on a par-4 or par-5 hole.
c) The first player to play a third stroke on a par-5 hole.
d) The first player to play a stroke around the putting green.
e) The first player to play a stroke on the putting green.
Once a group has been put on the clock, the following policy will go into effect for each player:
1st Bad Time – Warning from the official
2nd Bad Time – 1 Stroke Penalty
3rd Bad Time – 2 Additional Strokes Penalty
4th Bad Time – Disqualification
Each time a group is placed on the clock will be treated as a separate instance and the bad time warning/penalties will be reset.
Players are responsible for knowing their position on the golf course relative to their allotted time as well as the groups around them. Players should monitor and speak to individuals causing slow play. Players may ask for the group to be monitored without identifying an individual causing slow play.
The Official in Charge (OIC) and/or the Rules Committee of an individual event has the authority to amend this policy at his/her discretion.
© 2025 Connecticut State Golf Association. All Rights Reserved.