25th Connecticut Women's Open - First Round play is underway - all tee times delayed by 70 minutes

RUles of amateur status

Definition of Amateur Status

The USGA writes and maintains the Rules of Amateur Status along with the R&A Rules Limited. An “amateur golfer” is one who plays the game as a non-remunerative and non-profit-making sport and who does not receive remuneration for teaching golf or for other activities because of golf skill or reputation, except as provided in the Rules.

women Golf Association

Founded in 1899, the CSGA is the country’s oldest state golf association and, as an Allied Golf Association of the USGA, provides stewardship for amateur golf in Connecticut. In addition to administering handicaps for over 40,000 members at 181 member clubs, the CSGA conducts more than 85 days of competition throughout the year for golfers of all ages, genders, and skill levels. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, the CSGA supports a variety of golf organizations within Connecticut, including the Connecticut Association of Golf Course Superintendents.

The Connecticut State Golf Association (CSGA) functions as an extension of the USGA and provides stewardship for amateur golf in Connecticut. Founded in 1899, it is the country’s oldest state golf association and conducts over 60 Championships, Qualifiers and One-Day Tournaments throughout the year, in addition to administering handicaps for over 40,000 members and 181 member clubs. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, the CSGA supports a variety of golf organizations within Connecticut, including the Connecticut Women’s Golf Association, Southern New England Women’s Golf Association, The First Tee, the Connecticut PGA, and the CSGA Scholarship Fund in Honor of Widdy Neale.


The Executive Committee of the CSGA consists of a President, three Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer and special advisors. The State is divided into five regions. In each region there is a Regional Vice President and two at-large representatives. And, at every club, there is a Club Representative who functions as the CSGA liaison at the club level.


Definition of Amateur Status

For any golfers that reside in the state of Connecticut wishing to regain their Amateur status, the Connecticut State Golf Association can help. The process for reinstatement is outlined below.
An application for reinstatement to amateur status must be completed before the USGA will consider you for reinstatement. Once the application is completed, it must be sent to the CSGA for review, and we will provide a recommendation and forward the applications to the USGA for processing. This process can take anywhere between 6 to 8 weeks.

probation period

The routine probation period a person must wait before reinstatement to amateur status is granted is two years from the date of the last act contrary to the Rules of Amateur Status. However, this probation period can vary depending on the type and length of violation.
Shorter periods of one year are typically granted for those who have accepted a non-conforming prize, and longer periods of three years are typically granted for those applicants who have played extensively for prize money or are requesting a second reinstatement. The waiting period is retroactive, and begins from the date the applicant last acted contrary to the Rules of Amateur Status.

For more information please contact the Connecticut State Golf Association at (860) 257-4171.