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Get Golf Fit: The Will to Prepare to Win

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Article by Kevin Dishon, PT, DPT, TPI level 2 Medical and Fitness Professional – kevin@thegolfdpt.com

Vince Lombardi said, “The will to win is not nearly so important as the will to prepare to win” which remains one my most inspirational quotes. This quote insinuates that if any athlete, or person, wishes to be successful, he or she must take all of the small steps necessary to succeed. Although many professional and amateur athletes practice and exercise, diet is one major component of preparing to win that people often neglect. 

Our diet is our way of fueling the body for all the activities we do on a daily basis. While eating has evolved into something enjoyable, we must remember that nourishment is ultimately the end goal of eating. It is easy to get sucked into eating processed foods that are high in sugar while on the course because they’re typically available at the halfway house however, if you fuel your body right, it could lead to lower rounds on the course.

A great round of golf all begins with a good pre-round meal. What you eat is obviously dependent upon what time of day your tee time is. If you tee off early in the morning, your pre-round meal may be different than if you tee off in the afternoon. Generally speaking, you are looking to get some good protein, complex carbohydrates, and fats in your meal. Personally I prefer an omelet with peppers, onions, and a side of avocado. Eggs are a great source of protein to help with brain activity and muscle function, while the complex carbohydrates from the peppers and onions and good fat from avocado will help stabilize your glycemic index while on the course. 

Moreover the timing of a meal is equally important but can still work with your personal preferences. If you dislike having a meal in your stomach during a round of golf, I would recommend eating closer to two hours before your tee time. On the contrary, if having food in your stomach doesn’t bother you, you can finish your meal around one hour before a round.

Even on the course you should continue to think about nutrition. One thing I recommend is to eat a small snack every four or five holes. By doing this, you are keeping your energy stored, stabilizing your glycemic index, and giving your body fuel to swing with less risk of fatigue. Some of my favorite snacks on the course include: nuts, trail mix, and beef jerky. The key to having a snack on the course is that it is nutritious and quick to eat.  

Remember, these foods are a general suggestion for nutrition prior to and during a round of golf. Although this is the recommended diet by most, everyone responds differently to foods and meal planning. If this plan isn’t ideal, try playing around with different foods and timings to see what works best for you.

If you have any further questions in regards to golf-specific physical therapy or golf specific performance training, feel free to reach out to me at Kevin@thegolfdpt.com or visit my website www.theGolfDPT.com. Also please check out my instagram, where golf-specific exercises are posted regularly! @thegolfdpt