25th Connecticut Women's Open - First Round play is underway - all tee times delayed by 70 minutes

Support The Fund

The William (Widdy) Neale Scholarship Fund is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and all donations are tax-deductible. Contributions benefit as many as 50 young men and women receiving four-year awards while attending colleges and universities throughout the United States.

CSGA Widdy Neale Scholarship Fund

Proposed legislation related to the pesticide, chlorpyrifos (trade name – Dursban) and the herbicide, glyphosate (Roundup) are currently under consideration before the State Legislature’s Environment Committee. Dursban has historically been used to eliminate plant destroying insects such as weevils. Roundup is used on unwanted vegetation such as poison ivy.

Other topics such as labor relations that may be directed primarily toward other industries (farming, landscaping, parks and recreation) continue to be monitored as they may also affect aspects of Connecticut’s golf industry.

Another important source of funding the Fund’s “donor recognition” program for individual contributions at the Bronze level of $50 to $199, the Silver level of $200 to $999, the Gold level of $1,000 to $4,999, and the Platinum Level of $5,000 and above. Such donors have their names published in the CSGA Annual, receive a scholarship bag tag, at the Golf level have a scholarship awarded in their name, and at the Platinum level donors are recognized as the CSGA Annual Meeting in December.