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Golf Industry Day at the Capitol

On Wednesday, March 28th the CSGA along with several state lawmakers and other members of the Connecticut Golf Alliance came together at the Capitol to celebrate the 1st Annual Golf Industry Day.

Nearly one hundred people were in attendance for a press conference at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford including House Chair of the Commerce Committee Jeff Berger (D-Waterbury), Deputy Speaker Joe Aresimowicz (D-Berlin, Southington) and Rep. Tim Larson (D-East Hartford, South Windsor).  CSGA Executive Director Mike Moraghan joined PGA Professional Suzy Whaley, The First Tee of Connecticut President and CEO David Polk, and Travelers Championship Tournament Director Nathan Grube to discuss the positive economic, social, and environmental impact the golf industry has on Connecticut.

Jeff Berger (D-Waterbury) said golf’s positives not only include the generated revenue but also promotes integrity in youth and the expansion of the marketability of Connecticut through tourism, the Travelers Championship and the state’s nearly 200 golf courses.  “The economic impact of the golf industry goes way beyond the boundaries of the courses themselves,” said Berger. “There are golf equipment dealers, course maintenance, capital improvement projects and a restaurant-café sector all tied to golf.”

Deputy Speaker Joe Aresimowicz (D-Berlin, Southington) said the golf community does a great job of supporting and encouraging youth involvement. “From the First Tee youth initiative to the Connecticut State Golf Association scholarship program, golf has a proven commitment to engaging young people,” he said. “Kids benefit in many ways from participating in sports and the game of golf in particular can provide some of the best life lessons.”

Travelers Championship Tournament Director, Nathan Grube cited a Connecticut Economic Resource Center report that said the annual PGA Tour event in Cromwell generated a total economic impact of $28 million in 2011.  Grube stated, “This year we will go over the $30 million mark in our charitable donations to the community in the history of the tournament.”

In 2010, the CSGA in partnership with the Connecticut Golf Alliance commissioned a study by SRI International to identify to total economic impact of golf in the state.  This study, which can be found here, shows the industry generated a total impact of $1.1 billion in 2008, which supported 11, 570 jobs, generating $336.6 million in wages.