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Q&A with 2022 P.J. Boatwright Intern Jon Penepent

Jon Penepent captures the action during a 2022 CSGA tournament.

(January 6, 2023) – In 2022 the Connecticut State Golf Association welcomed three USGA P.J. Boatwright Interns. We talked to each of them about their experiences during their internship and about how the internship will help them in the future.

Our final conversation was with Jon Penepent. Our video intern in 2022, Jon finished his graduate degree from Sacred Heart University during the season. If you missed any of the videos Jon produced during the season or want to watch some of them again click here.

Here is our conversation with Jon:

CSGA: Where did you earn your undergraduate degree and where did you earn your master’s degree from?

Jon Penepent: I earned my undergraduate degree from The Catholic University of America (CUA). I graduated with a B.S. in Psychological and Brain Sciences. In August I earned my master’s degree from Sacred Heart University continuing my streak of catholic schools after attending Xavier High School in Middletown. My master’s is in Sports Communication and Media with a focus on Sports Broadcasting.

CSGA: This internship is part of a career change for you. What were you doing before and what led to the change?

JP: A big career change for sure. My plan after graduating from Catholic University was to go into psychological research, something that I still have a passion for, but it was a really difficult field to break into. For about 3 years I interviewed with a number of places but never made it through. All the while I was working retail at a number of places including Apple. This is where I found a passion for editing, mainly audio at the time. Then, of course, the pandemic hit, and like many, I took a long look at where I was going career-wise and what I really wanted to do. That’s when I started looking at graduate degrees and found Sacred Heart’s program. They had a virtual open house and I was immediately in, I knew I wanted to be involved with sports and broadcasting was my way in.

CSGA: What are your career goals?

JP: I’ve had a chance to work in different broadcast settings thanks to my grad program, and the thing I’ve found I like the most is live event production. My goal is to either be behind a camera or in the control room during some of the biggest moments in sports – and ultimately as a huge fan of golf, the biggest moment would be the Open Championship when it comes back to St. Andrews.

CSGA: What have you enjoyed most about the internship?

JP: The game of golf is growing tremendously so I’ve really enjoyed getting the chance to highlight the sport in general but more specifically the Junior Amateur and women’s tournaments. The CSGA has put so much into growing the sport in Connecticut, and it’s really cool to be a part of that.

CSGA: What led you to this internship?

JP: For my grad program I was required to complete an internship to help round out the skills we were learning in class. One day I received an email about this opportunity to travel from tournament to tournament around the state filming everything and editing it all together. I didn’t waste a minute I immediately updated my resume and applied.

CSGA: What is the most valuable thing you have learned during the internship? 

JP: The most valuable thing I’ve learned from this internship is efficiency. How to be efficient with the shots I take on the course, as well as the process of editing videos together.

CSGA: You are a golf fan. What do you enjoy about the game? 

JP: For me, golf is such a great sport for a couple of reasons. The first is that you’re competing against the course and ultimately yourself. The second is a little bit of a cliché. When you’re playing and having an absolutely awful round, all it takes is one good shot that will turn the momentum around and keep you coming back to try and be better next round.

CSGA: What is your best golf moment? 

JP: My best golf moment is both amazing and heartbreaking to think about. A few summers ago I’m out playing a round in Washington D.C. with some friends. We were on the 13th hole, a par 3, about 115 yards to the pin. Whoever decided on the pin placement that day was having some fun, because it was right in the middle of a steep downslope. I hit a sawed-off pitching wedge. The ball went right over the pin and landed at the top of the slope. I watched it as it started to creep back down the slope toward the hole. It gained momentum but slowed down and stopped about 6 inches from the cup. It’s the closest I’ve ever been to a hole-in-one and it’s the most disappointed I’ve ever been in a birdie.

CSGA: Away from work what are some of your hobbies?

JP: My number one hobby is cooking. When I have time I love to find new recipes and test them out. Outside of the house, if it’s good weather I’m either golfing or hiking.

Read: Q&A with 2022 P.J. Boatwright Intern Leslie Li

Read: Q&A with 2022 P.J. Boatwright Intern Luke Yaroscak

About the Connecticut State Golf Association

The Connecticut State Golf Association functions as an extension of the USGA and provides stewardship for amateur golf in Connecticut. Founded in 1899, it is the country’s oldest state golf association and conducts over 60 Championships, Qualifiers, and One Day Tournaments throughout the year.